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Exhibits Exhibit Standards and Protocols It is the intention of the Irving Art Association to encourage and teach professionalism in exhibit standards. We do however recognize that the IAA is a community organization, and as such we prefer to not enforce professionalism to the extent that it excludes burgeoning artists from being included in our exhibits merely for lack of experience. To that end, when art is delivered for an exhibit, it is expected that it meets our criteria for being hung in the gallery. If it is not correctly prepared, (framed or edge painted, and wired, ready to hang), the artist may take the entry away and properly prepare it for hanging, and then redeliver the piece(s) later in the day within the allotted drop-off time. There may on some days be an IAA representative on hand who can finish out the artwork(s) for hanging (adding hardware and/or wire) at a nominal fee. GENERAL IAA EXHIBIT SPECIFICATIONS: No piece larger than 36" X 36" (excluding frame) or heavier than 30 lbs. will be accepted. Items must be ready to hang using wire, and must be framed, or if stretched canvas, must be back stapled (no unframed side stapled), or gallery wrapped, and should be edge painted if not framed. Multi-panel art (Diptych, Triptych, etc.) is acceptable as a single piece if the total size cumulatively when hung does not exceed the 36" X 36" restriction and each piece does not exceed the 30 lb. weight limitation. Any art submitted exceeding these limitations may be rejected at the discretion of the show curator and Exhibit Chairperson. Any piece(s) exceeding these criteria are subject to approval by the exhibit curator and/or the Exhibit Chairperson prior to art delivery to the gallery. All art must have artist's information on back (or otherwise attached to the piece) including name, contact information, and date of completion. All art must be wired and ready to hang; NO CLEATS, NO SAWTOOTH HANGERS. Any final decision regarding acceptance of a particular piece will be at the discretion of the exhibit curator and the IAA Exhibit Chair. With very few exceptions, the Call for Entry requires that each artist submit an image of each work being entered in any IAA sponsored exhibit prior to the date of drop-off. High resolution jpg images at a minimum of 1200 pixels on the shortest dimension are preferred, but may be larger. The images should be a minimum of 500 kb, but should not exceed 10 mb. (If the image size and/or resolution is too small, they cannot be used for promotional purposes online or in print) These images are sent by email to the exhibit curator. It is also required that the artist bring the work depicted in the image(s) submitted. Failure to follow these guidelines may cause the artist's work(s) to be eliminated from the exhibit with no refund of entry fee (if applicable). NOTE: Any exemption regarding size and/or weight made for an exhibit, will be applicable to every artist's entry to the show. GENERAL IAA EXHIBIT FEES AND STANDARDS: The following criteria are standard for all IAA awards competitions and exhibits. Fees will be assessed from each artist for submission of entries to any IAA Awards Competition. As of January, 2023, the non-member entry fee shall be $50, and the member entry fee shall be $25 for any awards competitions held throughout the year. Number of entries accepted by each artist for each competition will be determined by the IAA during the planning stages of the exhibit. These moneys will be used for awards, and for the cost of the reception. Size of cash awards is directly relative to the number of entries in each category, and number of entries overall for the show. No guarantee of cash award amount is issued. All non-awards exhibits will have a $10 fee for non-members, and a $5 fee for members. These moneys are for costs of providing refreshments during the exhibit reception. All awards competitions and non-awards exhibits are subject to early termination of entry submission if the number of submissions reach or exceed allotted numbers before the scheduled deadline of the call. The Irving Art Association reserves the right to reject any works not meeting eligibility requirements, or deemed inappropriate to hang in the galleries at the Jaycee Park Center for the Arts with no refund of entry fee (if applicable). ART CATEGORIES: For continuity, these categories are to be the standard for ALL Irving Art Association sponsored exhibits, whether Awards Competitions, or Non-Competition Exhibits with no exceptions.
Individual tags will be created by the Irving Art Association for each exhibit, but we must have all indicated information included on the submission form. Because of space constraints, no specifics are necessary for "Mixed/Other Media." TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The following terms and conditions must be acknowledged by signature at time of art drop-off, or the piece(s) will not be included in the exhibit. For the period of the loan, item(s) loaned may be exhibited, stored or otherwise used by the IAA at its sole discretion. The IAA will exercise due care and consideration in the handling and storage of the listed item(s) however, IAA, Irving Parks and Recreation (IPAR), and the City of Irving will not be held responsible for loss or damage to the loaned item(s). Artists are solely responsible for providing insurance against any loss or damage. The IAA may photograph or otherwise reproduce loaned item(s) for archive record, purposes of education, or for publicity. The item(s) will be neither loaned nor assigned to any person, corporation, or entity during the term of this loan, and will be returned only to the owner, or specified legal representative of the owner on the scheduled retrieval date. Any art not retrieved on the scheduled retrieval date, without communication and alternate arrangements being made with the IAA will be assessed a $5 per day storage fee. Fee will be due and payable to the IAA before loaned item(s) will be returned to the owner/legal representative. A listing of the loaned item(s) is attached to this form. Any loaned item(s) left for 30 days beyond the scheduled retrieval date without communication and/or alternate arrangements being made with the show curator or Exhibit Chair, will be disposed of at the discretion of the Irving Art Association. MEMBER EXHIBITS: The following are criteria for exhibits not sponsored by the IAA. Based on availability, active members may schedule the small gallery for solo or cooperative exhibits. All exhibit standards apply with regard to content of the art, but exceptions to standard IAA size and weight restrictions may be made at the discretion of the Exhibit Chair and/or IAA Board. No fees will be assessed from IAA members for the use of the gallery. The IAA will through its own available resources promote the exhibit, but all promotional expenses (printing, advertising, etc.), including any expenses for the exhibit reception are the responsibility of the exhibitor(s). Art labeling/tagging does not have to conform to IAA standards, but the Exhibit Chair will be available during the development of the exhibit in an advisory capacity if desired. No regular IAA events and activities (workshops, demonstrations, etc.) scheduled in the space will be suspended during the exhibit, except as may be necessary for floor standing (sculpture, etc.) art, and only by prior arrangement and approval by the Exhibit Chair and Board of Directors. The small gallery, subject to approval by the Exhibit Chair and Board of Directors, may be made available to (IAA member and non-member) students from local colleges for exhibits related to their degree requirements. Any and all expenses are the responsibility of the exhibitor. | HOME | NEWSLETTER | CALENDAR | ACTIVITIES | EXHIBITS | MEMBERSHIP | ABOUT | CONTACT | |